May I know my value and my worth

May I know my value and my worth

May I remember that I am appreciated

May I know that I am deeply loved

May I enjoy my pleasure and success

When it’s hard, it’s hard!

When very difficult things happen in your life, it’s hard.

You can think about it in 1000 different ways, practice breathing, swim, take walks, chat with friends, eat chocolate. It’s still hard, and you still have to live through the hard times.

It’s true, the walks and chocolate and swims all help. Sometimes it helps to read a passage from an inspiring book. Sometimes it helps to watch Perry Mason or “Without a Trace” find the good guys and bring the bad guys to justice. Or it’s laughing with friends.

Then you realize that the time is hard, so you take a breath, close your eyes, and start all over again.

Pay extra close attention to every breath, from the time it starts in… As you experience the breath like this, take a moment to notice that in this moment, you’re not suffering. Watch your breath come in and go out, and experience the passing of time, of life, and of thoughts. In this moment, you’re not trying to make anything happen. In this moment you have some equanimity. Notice the equanimity.

zen poet Norman Fisher, meditation instructions

I sometimes remind students , ‘Try not to duck. Try to see the truth of your experience right now. Try to be there.’ When we are in contention with the moment, we push it away and then we don’t see it clearly. When we see things clearly, we can usually figure them out.

Sylvia Boorstein, Greet This Moment as a Friend

Solid Ground: Buddhist Wisdom for Difficult Times

Joys of a phone call

One good thing: When I get a call from someone who takes the time to ask about what’s happening with my day, my project, my life, and tell me about their own life.

What a nice gift that is.

Much as I love getting calls from dear friends — in general, I do hate having to make phone calls. I gird myself with a list, take a breath, make one call after another.

Once I’m on the phone, it’s all fine.

If it’s a friend, I love to check in and share what’s happening in my life and theirs.

If it’s a challenge — the broken computer connection or phone reception that will not work — I know the steps, and keep plugging till I get results. My daughter’s friend told her I’m a tiger (thanks!).

PS A 23-kazoo birthday call is a very special call, indeed!!

Inside vs Outside

One good thing (found on a tree in Berkeley).

Such a discovery!

Finding one good thing every day – reminds us that even in the midst of a sea of unknowns, life offers us joys if we only notice them.

Last night we ventured to Gather Restaurantin Berkeley, for a late-night meal that had the most unique, delicious and interesting food ever! The amazing roasted flavor of a pasta-like vegetable with smoked porcini mushrooms (try the Yuba “pappardelle” – smoked okara “Bolognese” nama yuba, rapini, roasted porcini).

Dinner with your dear daughter is a wonderful bonus.

Check out a cool vide of the food HERE